Vienna is arming itself: – “Anti-terror beds” are intended to protect pedestrians


Passers-by in the center of Vienna rub their eyes in surprise at a new, unusual attraction. Three impressive reinforced concrete planters recently stood along the Bognergasse between Graben and Am Hof. However, the unusual installation involves more than mere decoration.

The massive concrete boxes serve as effective impact protection against possible terrorist attacks. The so-called anti-terrorist beds are intended to prevent potential attackers from driving a vehicle uncontrolled through the crowd.

The financing and initiative of this safety measure goes back to several donors, including the renowned luxury restaurant “Zum Schwarzen Kameel”. Those responsible emphasize that Bognergasse has so far been one of the few streets in Vienna where vehicles have been able to gain speed from Freyung at high speed.

The anti-terrorist beds are now intended to significantly minimize this potential danger. asked around: What do Austrians say about this?

You can see all the answers in the video above!

Source: Krone


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