Without the owner’s knowledge, the neighbor had the cat put to sleep on her own initiative


Imagine that you have a pet that you love very much. A neighbor takes him to the vet and puts him to sleep without your permission. You find out by chance. That’s not possible, don’t you think? That’s exactly what happened to “Krone” reader Gabriele R. She now wants to warn.

What are you actually allowed to do in Austria with a pet that is not yours? This is the question from Gabriele R., who lives with her family in a single-family home in the north of Vienna. Together with a Norwegian Forest Cat – until recently there were two. “Our ‘Dupili’ was a very trusting and cuddly animal and would often sit in the middle of our alley to be petted by people rushing to the subway,” says the grieving pet owner.

Source: Krone


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