These are the workers who could not retire until the age of 66


The requirement to retire early is a dream of many people, but the truth is that not all workers can enjoy this benefit. The rest will have to wait Normal retirement ageWhich has grown with the advent of the new year.

In this case, new Pension reform Sets 66 years and two months as a normal retirement ageIn case the worker does not reach the age of 37 years and six months of contributions. Those who were able to retire 37 years and 6 months earlier, without the usual age expectation. They can do it from the age of 65.

But this is not the only requirement to be able to retire before the age of 66. There are other important conditions that must be considered when requesting Retirement.

Retirement requirements under 66 years

If you want to retire before the normal age, without the need Apply for an early retirementYou must meet the following requirements:

  • Be 65 years or older.
  • Contributed 37 years and six months or more.

In practice, people who are forced to retire because they are 66 years and two months old will be the ones who reach that age with a contribution of less than 35, which is the number of years it takes to be able to afford it. Voluntary access to early retirementOr at age 33, which is the minimum contribution required Involuntary early retirement.

How to increase the amount of pension?

If the employee is not satisfied with the amount of retirement pension he or she receives, there are two options. Increase the amount of benefit. Of course, in this case both options are the result of a professional career extension.

  • Delayed retirement: Provides an additional 4% of the regulatory base or remuneration from 4000 to 12000 Euros for each year of work beyond retirement age.
  • Flexible pension: An employee will be able to receive a retirement pension at the same time as he / she completes the work on a reduced schedule. Maximum, 50% of the pension can be deducted while working on 50% of the pension, etc.

These two options will allow retirees who for various reasons do not have a sufficient retirement pension to receive the supplement.

Source: El Diario


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