Ohio approves teachers to carry firearms after 24-hour training


Until now, teachers had to undergo more than 700 hours of training to be able to carry a weapon in the classroom. Each school must decide whether or not to accept the new rule, which is optional.

Euskaraz irakurri: Ohioko irakasleek su-armak eraman ahal izango dituzte, gehienez jota 24 orduko formakuntza eginda

The Ohio State Congress has approved: empower teachers to carry weapons of fire after a formation that would last up to 24 hours. The text of the House Act 99 does not specify the minimum internship period.

The rule passed by Ohio Congress, controlled by the Republican Party, is optional, so it will be any educational center that decides whether to accept itaccording to the Cleveland affiliate of ABC.

At least four of the 24 hours training it will be “scenario based” or simulated training exercises without specifying that real weapons are allowed to be used in this “tactical firearms training”. Users of these weapons undergo an annual background check.

Until now, teachers had to become peacekeepers with more than 700 hours of training to be able to carry a weapon. A police officer receives 60 hours of firearms training, 46 of which in the firing range.

guns in schools

The law is finally approved with 54 Republican votes for and 31 Democratic votes and two Republicans against. Up to twelve congressmen did not vote.

Groups such as Mothers for Accountability, Mothers Demand Action, the Ohio Educational Association or the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police have warned that this new law schools are much less safe

A total of 19 boys and girls and two educators died on May 24 in Uvalde, Texas, from the gunshots of a young man who had just turned 18 and acquired weapons. The case has reopened the debate over gun ownership in the United States.

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Source: EITB


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