Disgusting act: seven-year-old raped multiple times by her brother


From the outside, the 28-year-old defendant at the Feldkirch Regional Court (Vorarlberg) gives the impression of being a nice neighbor. However, the accusations made by public prosecutor Philipp Höfle show a completely different picture. The trained mechanic is accused of repeatedly and severely abusing his sister over two years.

According to the indictment, the then seven-year-old’s martyrdom began in 2009. Her tormentor was only 14 years old and criminally liable. “The suspect held the victim by her arms and legs and assaulted her. When the child defended himself, the suspect simply told him not to behave like that and to stay calm,” the prosecutor describes the disgusting act.

More women are being raped
In addition to abusing his sister, the Oberlander is accused of raping two friends several times between 2016 and the fall of 2019. In some cases, the suspect allegedly sexually assaulted them while they slept.

As with the police interrogation, the 28-year-old did not make a confession during the trial. Lawyer Nicolas Stieger speculated that the incriminating information about the seven-year-old sister was a setup by the broken family.

Serious psychological damage
But no one believed that, especially because the sister had suffered serious psychological damage according to a psychiatric report. The suspect was sentenced to five years in prison. He must pay his sister 15,210 euros in partial compensation and be liable for all other damages. One of the ex-girlfriends receives 2,800 euros.

The Oberlander did not make any confession during Tuesday’s trial. Lawyer Nicolas Stieger suspects a set-up by his client’s broken family.

Source: Krone


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