Drama in Tyrol – Motorcyclist (55) slipped into a minibus after a fall – dead!


A terrible accident took place in Nauders (Landeck district) on Sunday morning. A 55-year-old motorcyclist fell on a right turn and slid into an oncoming van. All help came too late for the man.

The 55-year-old resident was the penultimate driver of a six-member motorcycle group on Reschenstrasse in Nauders. For reasons that are still unclear, the man fell in a bend to the right. He slid across the street and collided with an oncoming minibus with five passengers on board.

Resuscitation was unsuccessful
A doctor and a nurse who happened to be at the scene of the accident immediately took resuscitation measures. However, the 55-year-old died at the scene of the accident from his serious injuries. The occupants of the minibus were unharmed.

Source: Krone


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