Police are looking for perpetrators of the cowardly knife attack on the Altausseer Kirtag


A 22-year-old visitor to the Altausseer Kirtag in Styria was shocked: the Lower Austrian was attacked from behind with a knife in a bar on Monday evening. He suffered cuts to his back and is now in hospital. The perpetrator is not yet known, the police are looking for witnesses.

Since Saturday, there has been a lively party in the traditional Altaussee Kirtag. On Monday evening, a visit to the beer tent by a 22-year-old from Lower Austria ended badly.

Around 1:00 a.m. the young man was brought to the Bad Aussee LKH with cuts. Only in the course of the investigation did it become apparent that the injury had been inflicted deliberately. The police were called.

Sudden burning pain in the back
According to initial police investigations, the man from the St. Pölten district was talking to a woman in a bar outside the beer tent around 12:30 when he suddenly felt a burning pain in his back. Because the partygoer said he had been drinking a lot of alcohol, he did not seem to have noticed the exact events of the crime.

Passers-by shouted for help
Passers-by drew the 22-year-old’s attention to the heavily bleeding wound and called emergency services. At the hospital, doctors treated a cut several centimeters long or deep and the Lower Austrian was admitted to the hospital.

The police assume that an unknown perpetrator attacked the man from behind with a knife. The investigation into the exact nature of the crime and the possible motive is still ongoing.

The police are requesting information from the Bad Aussee police station on 059133/6351

Source: Krone


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