On footpath – block with spikes: “footfall” impaled tires


Two men made a shocking discovery this weekend: on a hiking trail in Himmelberg (Carinthia) they found a ‘stair trap’: a concrete block that had been prepared with rusty nails.

It is 7 p.m. and it is slowly getting dark when the two men (49 and 58) from the Feldkirchen district cycle along the Tiffnerwinkel hiking trail towards the Henkelhütte.

At a bottleneck directly after a tributary of the Tiffner Bach at about 1040 meters altitude they push their bikes up together. The 58-year-old is in front. At first he doesn’t notice the spikes sticking out of the ground, but then the 49-year-old pushes his bike and the spikes get stuck in the tire.

Concrete block with four nails
He pushes the wheel further and pulls out a buried concrete block from the ground – gray, about eight inches in diameter and primed with four sharpened nails. According to police, the ‘stairstep’ was positioned so that the nails protruded three to four inches from the ground.

Police are asking for information
The spot was “barely passable without someone stepping on nails. The concrete block was probably buried in the ground by an unknown perpetrator,” police said. The two cyclists also stated that they had discovered another “stair trap” nearby.

Now the police are investigating. All information can be obtained from PI Bodensdorf on 059133/2201.

Source: Krone


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