Tragedy in Vienna – Deadly window jump: new details known


After the tragic events on Friday evening in Vienna-Wieden, the identity of the dead man has now been clarified. It concerns a 50-year-old Italian who would have lived in the 58-year-old’s apartment a few weeks earlier.

The police operation on Belvederegasse took place around 6 p.m. after the 58-year-old woman was seriously injured by the man in her apartment. Neighbors who heard the attackers’ cries for help alerted police.

Door broken open
There was no response to the knock on the door, so with the help of WEGA emergency services, the door was eventually broken open with a ram.

Despite resuscitation
When the suspect noticed that the police had arrived at the apartment, he was already sitting on the windowsill. Shortly afterwards he suddenly jumped out of the third floor window and died. All help came too late for him.

Debt as a possible reason
Further investigation has revealed that the 50-year-old Italian was confronted by the victim with an alleged theft of cash shortly before his return trip to Italy. The situation then escalated. The 50-year-old then attacked the 58-year-old and threw several objects in her direction. She suffered serious head injuries.

WEGA was able to prevent a possible murder
Police currently believe that the suspect had to abort his alleged murder attempt due to the quick response and that the woman survived.

The victim’s interrogation is still ongoing. An autopsy of the deceased has already been requested.

If you or a person around you is in an exceptional psychological situation or suffers from suicidal thoughts, you can contact the pastoral telephone number 142. Other crisis hotlines and emergency numbers can be found HERE.

Source: Krone


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