Accidental Death Shocked – After Train Drama: “Please, Watch More!”


The drama about a 15-year-old who missed a train at a level crossing in Upper Austria’s Waizenkirchen shocked many readers. On the one hand, there is a discussion about safety, while others warn young people not to be careless.

The worst imaginable for the parents. But my request to all 16, 17, 18 year olds enjoying their newfound freedom on two or four wheels: please watch twice too much than once too little! And if only for my sake, an old man!” – this message from a reader on sums up what many parents must have been thinking when they heard of the horrific train crash in Waizenkirchen, in which 15-year-old Lilien-Sophie K. was killed in an accident.

Father stood directly behind daughter
The girl was on her way to the outdoor pool when she tried to cross the unrestricted level crossing of the local Linz railway line with her Vespa at about 4:25 p.m. Friday, according to police, ignoring the stop sign. Despite whistle signals and emergency braking, the driver was unable to avoid a collision. Lilien-Sophie was caught, dragged 20 meters and ended up lying next to the track. Her father happened to be there and tried first aid with the driver. CPR was discontinued after 45 minutes. The parents were taken care of by the crisis intervention team.

“I’m on vacation, I heard about the accident via WhatsApp,” says Fabian Grüneis, Waizenkirchner’s local manager, adding: “We equip a level crossing with a barrier system almost every year.”

Source: Krone


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