Attack in Vienna – so far 450,000 euros for the relatives of the victims


Nine of the 11 relatives of the four people killed by the killer in the terrorist attack in Vienna on November 2, 2020 have now been compensated from the terror victims’ fund established at the Weißer Ring. They received a total of just over 450,000 euros.

There is no expert opinion yet in the case of two surviving relatives. In one case, however, a five-figure amount in euros was paid as an advance. The White Ring has now announced that. In addition, the next of kin were reimbursed for the funeral costs after submitting the relevant bills. Almost 23,000 euros has been made available from the terror victim fund.

These costs were higher than the lump sum payment of 4,500 euros that had already been paid out for a funeral by the Ministry of Social Affairs under the Victims Act. Psychotherapeutic care, which was essential for many surviving relatives, on the other hand, did not fall under the responsibility of the victim fund.

As the White Ring explained, appropriate treatment was requested through the Victims Act at the Ministry of Social Services, approved and paid for.

The attacker killed 13 people in the attack
The killer shot 17 people in the city center during his nine-minute attack, 13 of whom were killed. Ten others were injured trying to escape or breaking glass. A number of people who were walking downtown or sitting in bars or outdoor dining areas at the time – it was a mild evening and the last night before another corona-related lockdown – suffered the psychological effects of that night and felt it difficult to process the traumatic events and needed help.

68 people were cared for by the White Ring
In this context, the White Ring has received 220 victims, with support being provided mainly through acquittal interviews and advice on the Crime Victims Act and the Fund for Victims of Terrorism. Ultimately, 68 men and women were registered and cared for by the terror victims’ fund as beneficiaries.

A total of 1.6 million euros in aid was awarded
It has been decided to provide financial support for 35 people, in 29 cases the amounts allocated have already been paid, in the other six cases this process is ongoing. The 33 outstanding cases are pending. A total of 1.6 million euros in financial aid has been allocated under the terror victims’ fund. “We can assume that the committee work, as agreed with the Ministry of Social Affairs, will be completed by the end of 2022,” said Weißer Ring.

“Working with victims of terrorism was pioneering work for all involved. A lot had to be reconsidered and reworked. That ranged from the definition of victims in connection with a terrorist attack to the criteria on which the financial aid is based,” said Weißer Ring director Natascha Smertnig.

The White Ring always puts the interests of the victims at the center of its work – “as in this project”, Smertnig finally emphasized.

Source: Krone


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