Sustainability – Photovoltaic solar energy: “independent” energy of the future


In a time of rapid change and increasingly urgent environmental problems, the topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important. In a “Club 3” special, presenter Tanja Pfaffeneder welcomes neoom Group founder Walter Kreisel, “wir sind solar” managing director Markus Unger and “Carpenter on Wheels” managing director Martin Toman-Prusa.

Society is faced with the challenge of fundamentally rethinking the way we live in order to secure the future of the planet. In this context, the energy transition plays a crucial role. Martin Toman-Prusa successfully runs his carpentry business in Lower Austria, but in times of constantly rising energy costs, entrepreneurs are increasingly forced to rethink their previous strategies. In the program, he wants to discuss in more detail with the experts how his company can benefit from photovoltaic solar energy, especially with regard to costs and the use of surplus electricity. “Now that electricity costs have risen dramatically, the question arose as to how I could use the sun effectively and how I could use my flat roof of around 500 square meters,” says carpenter Toman-Prusa, describing his concerns.

“We take care of the entire technology part and have now developed the solar industry so much that we can guarantee significantly higher profitability,” explains Walter Kreisel, founder of the neoom Group. “With a photovoltaic system, an electricity storage system and the connection to an energy community and dynamic electricity prices, you can optimize energy consumption. The installation includes photovoltaic modules, inverters, energy storage, charging stations for electric cars and possibly heat pumps. For a company with a large roof area and many electrical consumers such as machines and vehicles, this can lead to significant savings and efficiency gains. An energy concept shows the investment costs and savings in order to evaluate the economic viability of the system.”

Energy prices are still high
“Although energy prices have recently fallen, they are still more than twice as high as they were three to four years ago,” says Markus Unger, Managing Director of “wir sind solar”. “The system must be designed sensibly, in terms of size, your own needs and also your future needs.” When installing photovoltaic systems on flat roofs, an east-west orientation is often chosen to ensure consistent electricity production throughout the day. The east side of the plant starts generating electricity early in the morning, while the west side covers the energy requirement until the evening. In order to compensate for fluctuations due to weather conditions and to cover night-time consumption, electricity storage is ideally used. “You can also purchase electricity flexibly if your own production is not sufficient and benefit from variable electricity prices and spot markets,” says Unger.

What government subsidies and incentives are there for the installation of photovoltaic systems? How can excess electricity from a photovoltaic system be stored or fed into the electricity grid? And should we be afraid of a “blackout”? This and much more is explained in today’s broadcast of “Club 3”.

In “Club 3” politicians, journalists, pollsters and public figures discuss the latest topics affecting Austria and the world. Tanja Pfaffeneder presents the show.

Source: Krone


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