The coalition believes that the problem of the GGD is “serious” and that “the public understands it”. The PNV replies that it is a political strategy of the opposition to portray everything as if it were ‘the apocalypse’.
Euskaraz irakurri: Osakidetzako langileei entzuteko eskatu dio EH Bilduk Eusko Jaurlaritzari
the parliamentarian of EH BilduNerea Kortaarena, has denounced the “serious” situation of the Osakidetza service, following the redundancies in the OSI of Donostialdea, the closure of the surgical unit in Basurto and the protests of the trade unions after the rise of the sector table .
Speaking to Radio Euskadi’s parliamentary debate on Ondas, Kortavarena said Osakidetza has “structural and very important problems”, adding to this the firings “due to disagreement with the decisions of Osakidetza’s leadership”.
The MP believes that the health service is deteriorating “at all levels”, and that “the public is observing it, with record waiting lists, waiting for calls to outpatient clinics…”.
For this reason, and despite protests from professionals and trade unions, he has asked the Basque government to “respect the criteria of those who visit the health system”, to “seek another model of governance, to meet their demands, to try to make decisions together”.
By these words, the representative of the GDPAitor Urrutia, has replied that the transfers in Donostialdea’s OSI are managerial decisions, that “they are normal processes” and that “they are made with the aim of improving the effectiveness of Osakidetza”.
In addition, he has denounced that since the outbreak of the pandemic, the opposition has been promoting the idea that Osakidetza is “deadly managed” at the gates of the “apocalypse”. For Urrutia, these allegations have “more to do with a political campaign than anything else”.
Meanwhile, Gloria Sánchez, of the PSE-EEhas said that the appointments and firings are capacities of the Ministry of Health, while since then each other we canGustavo Angulo, has denounced the privatization of services.
Jose Manuel Gil (PP) announced that they will ask the Minister of Health, Gotzone Sagardui, to explain the layoffs in Donostialdea’s OSI.
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Source: EITB

I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.