Expert Response – Child Abuse Package – Opinions are divided


The cabinet’s package of measures, which, among other things, must combat the depiction of child abuse, caused mixed reactions from experts on Wednesday. Criminal sociologist Reinhard Kreissl, head of the Vienna Center for Social Security, denied that higher sentences had any preventive effect and identified populism. “The package is really very positive and meets long-standing requirements,” says “Möwe” managing director Hedwig Wölfl.

Wölfl was particularly pleased with the child protection campaign. “We are very happy with this awareness raising, which should encourage people to take a closer look. It is good that the government has decided to focus on this.” Prevention is one of the most effective measures, the expert agrees. She also positively assessed the obligation to provide information, the quality assurance for child protection and the child protection concepts in schools.

Strengthen child protection centers and institutions
The range of punishments must fit the offense and the raise “does no harm”. “But I must also say that the current framework is hardly exhausted.” In addition, procedures would also be stopped and there would be an enormous amount of unreported cases. Wölfl would like to see further strengthening of child protection centers and facilities, which are absolutely necessary for the reception of suspected cases and for litigation support. The determined area can be used for post-treatment if necessary.

“There is no correlation between the level of punishment and deterrence,” Kreissl made clear, citing numerous studies. The only deterrent to potential offenders is a high risk of getting caught. It is also important that the punishment follows the crime as soon as possible. Here’s a causal relationship.

Socio-pedagogical processing would be more successful
The announced higher sentences are a “simple, cheap method” for the government to show that “we are doing something”, according to the criminal sociologist. It doesn’t bring anything, but “you can sell it well”. Long prison sentences are counterproductive in terms of recidivism. Distraction, socio-educational training and appropriate treatment in prison would be more successful.

Mass checks on the grid necessary
In terms of prevention, it would make more sense to try to get to the source and stop the acts and the spread of these images there. This requires massive checks on the network to stop the exchange of images. For example, profiles of credit card transactions were created in the US and the perpetrators were traced. In Europe, authorities are bound in this area because of data protection, said Kreissl, who did not want to demand that it be relaxed.

Source: Krone


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