Election Hofburg – “Blowing up shooting stars, low turnout”


23 people, including two women, are currently gathering the 6,000 necessary statements of support for the upcoming federal presidential election — but few of them have what it takes to seriously endanger new incumbent Alexander Van der Bellen. IFDD boss Christoph Haselmayer is critical of the recently announced collaboration between Tassilo Valentin, who only announced his candidacy relatively late, with Frank Stronach: “Valentin shows that he is more at home with millionaires than with those people on the street. Stronach has already started a political project, which then quickly burned up like a shooting star – we can see the next one with Tassilo Valentin,” said Haselmayer in the “Krone Live” interview with Gerhard Koller.

On the other hand, he confirms that FPÖ candidate Walter Rosenkranz has certain opportunities because of his former position as Ombudsman – but Dominik Wlazny, aka Marco Pogo, also has quite a lot of knowledge. And former BZÖ politician Gerald Grosz has a large fan base on social media.

Haselmayer was pretty tough on his polling colleagues – they are said to have “jumped ahead into the cesspool” in the last presidential election. He does not share their current forecasts for a supposedly high turnout: “The IFDD figures show rather a fairly low turnout, which could be as high as 50 to 60 percent — that would be a very weak value.”

In the video above you can see many more explosive statements from the pollster and political professional.

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Source: Krone


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