The Penya Barcelonista Som i Serem de Torregrossain the region of Pla d’Urgell Only 20 kilometers from Lleidacelebrated this Friday the 50th anniversary in the presence of Joan Laportapresident of FC Barcelona, vice president of the Social Area, Antonio Escuderothe director in charge of the Penyes, Joseph Ignasi Maciaas well as the Juan Manuel Asensipresident of the FC Barcelona Players Association, among others.
In the logical happy environment due to the presence of report in Torregrossa the close proximity of the boat. The president was applauded when he spoke about his imminent motivation by sending a message to the parrots: “I hope you have a good Sunday and we can celebrate the League. A League that can be achieved with effort and commitment and talent but most of all thanks to your support. It would be great if we won the League this weekend and you know why”. Immediately and immediately, he reassured the members and the culés in attendance: “You can relax, the club has always been and always will be your members. Because Barça is an invincible feeling and you can’t buy it. They really like us and we get attacks from people who don’t want things to work out for us but don’t believe in apocalyptic messages. They worked hard to save Barça from financial ruin. He boat He is in recovery but he survived. You have to be careful not to go back to the situation we inherited.”
The Barça president recalled that “the stadium is full every Sunday and the Barcelona fans believe again and want, as in the banner in front of Bernabeu who helped me win the election and gave me votes. In any case, we are close to winning important titles because the League is very important. The advantage is important in the second and we are on the right path and in front of those who attack us at this time, I ask you to remain more united than ever in the defense of our shield and our spirits”, he declared.
report He then insisted on the immutable property model before recalling the sacrifice that had been transferred to Montjuic: I and my fellow board members guarantee that one of the essences, that the club remains in the hands of our members, remains the same. He boat we build it together every day and we work as a team always thinking of the interests of the club. sure the Peña de Torregrossa You had to overcome difficulties in the beginning with the lack of freedoms in the early 70s. That is why I ask you to stay closer than ever. Next year we will have jobs at home and we will have to go somewhere else but it will be temporary. Some sacrifices have to be made and in the spirit of sacrifice we will move forward and we will soon realize one of the collective dreams of Barcelona fans, which is a new stadium, which will be the best in the world”.
Although it was established in 1970 and the Golden Weddings are in 2020, it has not been possible to celebrate due to the pandemic. The evening began with a reception in the social area of penya and a commemorative exhibition of 50 years and continued a parade with the Grallers and the Giant Collar of the municipality from the area of penya until Assembly Hall of the Library, where another institutional reception took place. At the entrance to the gardens, a commemorative statue of 50 years of La Penya was unveiled before giving way to a mass dinner in the Municipal Recreation Room with the Parliament of report and the exchange of trophies with local Penyes supporters.
Source: La Verdad

I am Shawn Partain, a journalist and content creator working for the Today Times Live. I specialize in sports journalism, writing articles that cover major sporting events and news stories. With a passion for storytelling and an eye for detail, I strive to be accurate and insightful in my work.