In England they put a price on the Azpilicueta exit


After closing the incorporation to zero value of Andreas Christensen Y Frank KessieThe barca constantly trying to strengthen the squad for next season and one of the players at the top of the list of future prospects is Cesar Azpilicueta (32 years). the captain of Chelsea Big goal is to promote the right-back culé, but there is still no agreement for his transfer and yesterday he joined the English team’s pre-season tour in the United States.

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The Chelsea know the will of Azpilicueta to change the landscape this summer after ten seasons at Stamford Bridge and in England has put a price on the possible departure of the Spanish international. According to the ‘Goal’ portal, the Chelsea I would like to order eight million euros to release Azpilicuetathe same amount they paid the day before he signed in 2012 from Olympic Marseille.

According to the aforementioned information, the barca This assessment is considered excessive and he wants to reduce this number, as it should be of concern. Azpilicueta the contract ended this summer with Chelsea but it was automatically renewed for another season after playing more than 30 games with the English team last season.

The barca intends to close the signing of Azpilicueta before July 16 so that the defender could join his other colleagues at the start of the tour in the United States. The captain still of Chelsea He is already in the US and these days will be key in determining his future.

Source: La Verdad


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