ETS will tender the first three sections of line 5 of the Bilbao metro in November


This is most of the route connecting Sarratu to Usansolo Hospital. This part of the metro is expected to be operational in 2028.

Euskaraz irakurri: Azaroan irekiko du Bilboko Metroaren 5. lineako lehen hiru zatien lizitazioa

Euskal Trenbide Sarea (ETS) Will Release on November 3 to tender the works to build the first three sections of the Line 5 of the Bilbao metro, which will reach the Biscayan city of Galdakao and connect to the Busturialdea and Durangaldea Euskotren lines. The prediction is that this part of the metro will be in use for 2028and that the union with Euskotren is a reality in 2029.

This was announced on Friday by the heads of the Basque government and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia — they finance 50% of the project — at the signing of the agreement between the two institutions.

According to the Minister of Territorial Planning, Housing and Transport, the first three sections make up “the bulk of the route”. In particular, it is the part between Sarratu and Aperribaifrom just over 1.5 kilometers; Aperribai-Galdakaowhich is about 2.8 km, and the one that will connect the center of Galdakao with the Usansolo Hospital (1.9 kilometers long).

(We are in the process of expanding the information)

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Source: EITB


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