Photos of a dog trade circulated the Internet, sparking outrage among our readers. The “Krone” came across some inconsistencies, investigated the case and succeeded! We found the four-legged friends and were able to provide the authorities with important evidence against the dog mafia.
The three puppies nestle happily and contentedly together in their basket. They have been fed, washed and a vet’s examination showed that they are all healthy and in good condition. Now a new, good life begins for the trio. But what happened?
fuss on the internet
At the beginning of the week, the “Tierecke” received numerous phone calls from enthusiastic readers. Photos and messages are circulating on social media about dogs and cats that are in the grip of the animal mafia and are in a worrying state of health. According to their own statements, “animal rights activists” wanted to end the fraudsters on their own. However, they failed across the board and gave the responsibility to the responsible officers of MA 60 (veterinary service and animal welfare) and official veterinarians from Burgenland.
Officially known and with a ban on keeping animals
The women (names known to the editors) came into contact with a Hungarian woman already known to the authorities, who was banned from keeping animals in Burgenland, and bought her dogs – without, however, reporting this “sham purchase” to the authorities in advance. Two days later there was another arranged meeting in Vienna, where five dogs and two cats were to be handed over – this time the local management was consulted. However, the summoned doctor of MA 60 could not find a valid reason to remove the animals, because an unclean coat and a missing chip led to a report, but not to a seizure.
Not connected
The existing ban on keeping animals in Burgenland went unnoticed because the authorities have no network of states. We urgently urge a quick legal improvement here, so that data can be compared across Austria in the future. This naturally drove the self-proclaimed “Einsatzgruppe” to the barricades. Social media outrage quickly and aggressively followed. It was alleged that the animals had been returned to Hungary.
Dubious machinations
Donations were requested to save them, because only then could the animals be found and bought for free. From that moment on, however, the “Tierecke” also received information that indicated that this story had a much larger dimension. The described Hungarian, who, however, has Austrian nationality and also an Austrian license plate (not Hungarian as claimed), has been working for quite some time with the ladies involved and also a Chihuahua supplier from Vienna. She reportedly regularly supplies animals – especially puppies – which are then resold under the guise of animal welfare. We will continue to monitor this case.
Dierenhoek provides solid evidence
Meanwhile, the “Tierecke” team did everything they could to find the animals of the failed sham purchase. After a short time there was a decisive clue that the four-legged friends – five dogs and two cats – are in Burgenland. Thanks to the holder’s waiver, we were able to hand over all the animals to the association “Friends of the Dierenhoek”. We also hand over important documents to the authorities, because the dog trader is prohibited from keeping animals in Burgenland.
Official Notice
Whenever she was picked up with animals by the official vets, she claimed she was not the owner. But her signature on our papers now provides solid evidence to the contrary. We have filed a complaint against her, providing another legal basis to stop her craft.
Finally safe
After thorough veterinary care, the animals were lovingly washed, fed and finally given the pats they had been waiting for for years.
Remark: Animal welfare needs seriousness
Unfortunately, the animal trade is booming like never before. Thousands of four-legged friends are offered on various internet platforms. Often under the guise of animal welfare. But not everywhere where animal welfare is written – this is really the case. Because some people make a lucrative business by selling these animals. The photos of sick and abandoned furry friends are moving and find buyers that way. And of course it is wonderful when a poor animal finds a loving place. However, such rescues must also be done in accordance with the law.
In order to detect these machinations and to put a stop to these animal traffickers, animal protection organizations, in consultation with the authorities, repeatedly make so-called “sham purchases”. It is important that the responsible authorities are informed in advance so that they can act accordingly. In the most recent pet trade case, none of these requirements were met. Another criticism is that this happened on a weekend when experience has shown that the authorities are not well staffed and networked.
The animal corner “Krone” has repeatedly criticized official veterinarians and their lack of commitment. But one should always stick to the facts and not make false claims to gain more sympathy. An official veterinarian may not confiscate animals out of pity, but must act in accordance with the law. The women involved in the purchase claimed that all the animals were in bad shape, that they were injured or heavily pregnant and that it would be a scandal that the authorities had not confiscated the animals. This was even described in a press release from “Tierschutz Austria”. But that doesn’t match the facts. Because we found these animals and took them into our home.
Yes, they were dirty – but thank goodness they are otherwise in very good condition. Saving animals is our duty and we love to do it.
But we don’t spread falsehoods to draw attention to ourselves. Because animal welfare should also be serious.
Maggie Entenfellner
Source: Krone

I am Wallace Jones, an experienced journalist. I specialize in writing for the world section of Today Times Live. With over a decade of experience, I have developed an eye for detail when it comes to reporting on local and global stories. My passion lies in uncovering the truth through my investigative skills and creating thought-provoking content that resonates with readers worldwide.