Protection Required – Grizzlies are reclaiming the woods


The legendary grizzly bears roam ancient lands in the US.

These are mystical creatures that have been appearing more and more lately in the vast forests of the US state of Montana. But the fate of the animals, so fascinating because of their gray fur, was almost sealed.

Will grizzly bears be shot again soon?
“In the 20th century, hunting decimated grizzly bears to just a few hundred individuals. The forest dwellers have recovered, according to U.S. Nature Conservation Agency rangers’ counts,” WWF species conservation expert Georg Scattolin announces the ecological good news.

But already the bear friends of this world have to worry about their protégés again. Because they multiplied so wonderfully, authorities are now seriously considering releasing the grizzly to shoot. “The stocks are just a fraction and a tired paw reflection of what was buzzing in the Rocky Mountains 150 years ago. Because there were about 50,000 grays in western North America at the time,” Scattolin criticizes.

The WWF therefore demands that strict protection is maintained.

Source: Krone


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