Keys and Objectives of the First Basque Labor Code in Euskadi


The creation of a “Basque employment network” led by Lanbide, which also includes provincial councils, municipalities and collaborating private entities, is one of the planned actions that the Basque government hopes to have approved before the end of the year.

The Basque government aspires to the former Basque labor lawwhose legislative project was approved this Tuesday, to “order” the field of work, in which some 300 agents are active in the Basque Country, through a network that includes them and shares information and a common base of offers From jobs.

The constitution of one “Basque employment network” led by the Basque Employment Service Lanbidand also composed of provincial councils, municipalities and collaborating private entities, is one of the actions envisaged by the college in the new law, which it hopes will approved before the end of the year after the corresponding parliamentary procedure.

The new Basque labor network, which is considered unincorporated, will consist of agents such as public and private institutionseconomic representatives, social actors, training centers and universities, and will single window electronically and a single counter per territorial headquarters, allowing the user to access job vacancies.

In addition, Lanbid it becomes a private-law public entity, regulated by a program contract with the Basque government valid for four years. The purpose of the change is to give the entity more agility in certain procedures and actions, while maintaining control by the administration.

Keys and objectives of the new law

1- Reach a bigger system efficiency And avoid duplication

2-employment plans

Municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants will be required employment plans and local development, as well as the change of legal personality of Lanbide – from now on an autonomous body and becoming a public entity under private law – to make its work more flexible.

3-Active employment policy:

-Create the right to active employment policies, which now do not exist in an enforceable way, and which Lanbide will guarantee by establishing training and career guidance routes.

4-Action plan:

Have a action planstarting with those of long duration.

5-Increased Attention:

change the User Supportwhich will be more personalized in carrying out the diagnosis of your situation, the elaboration of a personalized plan and the necessary guidance by assigning in any case a person of trust.

6-Digitization, innovation and research:

Bet on the digitalisation, innovation and research and the importance of employment, but quality employment.

7-Public policy and social dialogue:

Evaluate the impact of employment on everyone public politics and recognize its importance social dialogue.

8-Map of employment services:

Make a “map”. employment services and must be fulfilled.

9-Recognition to municipalities and municipalities:

For the first time, recognize his own area of ​​competence in the matter municipalities and councilswho will work in their respective territories in accordance with the Basque employment strategy.

10-Basque Council for Public Labor Policy:

Create a new body Basque council for public employment policycomprising the Basque Government, Provincial Councils and the Association of Basque Municipalities Eudel and with policy coordination functions.

eleven-Basque Employment Forum:

constitute a Basque Employment Forum with the participation of public and private representatives involved in employment policy.

Source: EITB


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