During practice drive – banquet softened: fire truck overturned


Unfortunately, this practice run went a bit wrong: because the driver at Edelsbach had probably come too close to the completely soaked berm, the heavy water tanker overturned. Fortunately no one was injured.

The tank fire truck was on its way today with three people on board as part of a practice run on L 237, Edelsbacherstraße. In a gentle curve, however, the vehicle, which weighed several tons, must have come too close to the verge, which has softened after the heavy rain. This caused it to go off the road and overturn.

occupants unharmed
The three occupants were able to get out of the vehicle on their own and said they suffered no injuries, but were taken to Feldbach Regional Hospital for a check-up.

Recovered with a crane truck
The fire engine, which caused material damage, then had to be recovered with a crane truck by the fire brigade colleagues from Edelsbach and Gniebing.

Source: Krone


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