Navarra and Euskadi are also among the five communities with the most internet banking users in Spain, with 73.2 and 72.2% of the population respectively.
Almost six out of ten people between the ages of 16 and 74 have done something online shopping in the past three months in Navarra and Euskadi, as verified by EITB Data.
Only Madrid and Aragón surpass Navarra in the percentage of the population that bought online, at 62 and 58.4% respectively. The Foral community remains in third place with 58.1% of citizens; and Euskadi in fifth place with 56.2% of citizens having made an online purchase, ahead of Catalonia with 57.1%.
These five autonomous communities make up the Top-5 at the state level. On the contrary, the Canary Islands, Asturias and Galicia are at the bottom of internet purchases for several reasons: aging, income level, accessibility of physical points…
The development of online shopping reinforces the use of virtual means of payment. Besides cards, payment gateways like PayPal or Amazon Pay are two of the most popular means.
On the other hand, Navarra and Euskadi are also among the five communities with the most users online banking of the Spanish state, with 73.2 and 72.2% of the population respectively; surpassed only by the Balearic Islands (76.2%), Madrid (76%) and Catalonia (74.4%).
Therefore, the use of internet banking is more common than internet purchases, as a percentage of people who use it. Yet in other countries, such as Finland, Denmark or the Netherlands, the percentage is higher than 90% of citizens, and around 85% in Sweden, Ireland or Estonia.
Internet banking has taught and/or forced citizens to be managers of their accounts (payments, transfers, savings deposits…).
Source: EITB

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.