Hundreds of Brits again without pants on the metro Viral January 10, 2024 11:07 am var krn_recommended_posts = [{“title”:”Emotionaler Klopp: \u201eKenne die Welt nicht ohne ihn\u201c”,”url”:”https:\/\/\/3213756″,”thumbnail”:”https:\/\/\/scaled\/3213781\/vab2f53\/310×175.jpg”},{“title”:”Sarah Kern mit 55 wieder nackt im \u201ePlayboy\u201c”,”url”:”https:\/\/\/3213596″,”thumbnail”:”https:\/\/\/scaled\/3213673\/v2d23e7\/310×175.jpg”},{“title”:”Israel stimmte UN-Mission im Gazastreifen zu”,”url”:”https:\/\/\/3213578″,”thumbnail”:”https:\/\/\/scaled\/3213676\/vb1e196\/310×175.jpg”},{“title”:”\u201eSchlechte Politiker sind zu gut bezahlt\u201c”,”url”:”https:\/\/\/3212996″,”thumbnail”:”https:\/\/\/scaled\/3212930\/v6ab24c\/310×175.jpg”}]; KRNEvents.on(‘krn-didomi-loaded’, function() { var datazoomConsent = KRNDidomi.checkConsent(‘datazoom’, function() { var js = document.createElement(‘script’); js.src=”https: //″; var node = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; node.parentNode.insertBefore(js, node); js.onload = function() {loadBitmovin(); } js.onerror = function() { loadBitmovin(); }; }); if (!datazoomConsent) { loadBitmovin(); } }); var gfkS2sConf = { media: ‘kronetv’, url: ‘//’, optin: true, type: ‘WEB’, logLevel: ‘none’ }; KRNEvents.on(‘krn-didomi-loaded’, function() { KRNDidomi.checkConsent(‘bitmovin’, function() { (function (w, d, c, s, id, v) { if (d.getElementById( id)) { return; } w.gfkS2sConf = c; w[id] = {}; w[id].agents = []var api = [“playStreamLive”, “playLive”, “playStreamOnDemand”, “playVOD”, “stop”, “skip”, “screen”, “volume”, “impression”]; ws = (function () { function f(sA, e, cb) { return function () { sA.p = cb(); sA.queue.push({f: e, a: arguments}); }; } function s(c, pId, cb) { var sA = {queue: [], configuration: c, cb: cb, pId: pId}; for (var i = 0; i < api.length; i++) { e = api[i]; on[e] = f(sA, e, cb); } return sA; } returns; }()); w[id].getAgent = function (cb, pId) { var a = { a: new ws(c, pId || "", cb || function () { return 0; }) }; function g(a, e) {return function () {return aa[e].apply(aa, arguments); } } for (var i = 0; i < api.length; i++) { e = api[i]; a[e] = g(a, e); } w[id].agents.push(a); return one; }; var lJS = function (eId, url) { var tag = d.createElement(s); var el = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; = eId; tag.async = true; tag.type="text/javascript"; tag.src = url; el.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, el); }; if (c.hasOwnProperty(v)) {lJS(id + v, c[v]);} lJS(id, c.url); })(window, document, gfkS2sConf, 'script', 'gfkS2s', 'visUrl'); }); }); function loadBitmovin() { KRNEvents.on('krn-didomi-loaded', function() { KRNDidomi.checkConsent('bitmovin', function() { (function(d, s, id) { var css, fcss = d. getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) returns; css = d.createElement(s); = id; css.rel = "stylesheet"; css.href = "https://" + document.domain + "/assets/parcel/bitmovin/index.css?asset_version=1.0.34307"; fcss.parentNode.insertBefore(css, fcss); }(document, 'link', 'bitmovin-css')); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) returns; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "https://" + document.domain + "/assets/parcel/bitmovin/index.js?asset_version=1.0.34307"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'bitmovin-js')); }); }); } Continue watching with Try it now


For the 13th time, many Britons took part in the annual “No Pants On The Tube Day”.

Amateur semi-nudists met at various subway stations to board the subway in groups and cause a stir half-naked.

The idea behind ‘No Pants’ is that passengers board a subway at various stops in the middle of winter without wearing pants. The main thing is to act as if everything is completely normal. And: wear underwear that is as inconspicuous as possible, so that it looks like you simply forgot your pants. It could happen to any Londoner if it is currently between one and five degrees outside.

Participate at your own risk
Organizers say the free event is being held “just for fun.” Participants participate at their own risk – partly because of the chafing seats on the Victoria Line.

The day is celebrated in more than 60 cities around the world. The No Pants Tube Ride was launched in 2009, inspired by the No Pants Subway Ride in New York. After a two-year break due to the corona pandemic, the Tube Ride will take place for the second time in a row this year.

Source: Krone


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