Volunteers – together against mowing death: fawn rescue


Every year, 30,000 fawns are killed by mowers in Austria. Fortunately, there are communities all over Carinthia who want to save them from a certain and painful death.

Farmers’ work is highly dependent on the weather. They often need to be able to plan and respond at short notice. Most farmers try to walk their fields before mowing. But the areas are sometimes several hectares in size. Most people lack the time and resources.

It needs volunteers
That’s why the Carinthian Hunters Association has been organizing groups for more than 25 years to search pastures in advance for fawns and then save them from certain death. Volunteers are needed here! Accompanied by a hunter, the groups then pacify the area at a distance of 1.5 meters.

“We were able to save the lives of three babies and I was delighted to find one! Immediately afterwards the farmer mowed, so they are safe!”, reports Susanne Gleiss, who herself went with SOS Rehkitz for the first time. Facebook group fawn rescue – The Klagenfurt area is open to anyone who wants to get involved in this charity, and farmers and hunters are also part of the community who need support in their search and enlistment.

Source: Krone


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