Married couple under suspicion – Stolen Viennese food trucks turned up in Poland


A married couple from Poland has ‘kidnapped’ two food trucks from a parking lot in Vienna-Floridsdorf to their homeland. Now they showed up.

When not on duty, there are usually two food trucks parked in a parking lot in Floridsdorf. A Pole (41) and his 41-year-old wife took advantage of those unguarded moments. Without further ado, on May 26, they “kidnapped” the two gorgeous and expensive companions across the Czech border to the small southern Polish village of Jaworze.

The only problem: Austrian police had videotaped border crossings from the two food stalls – including two towing vehicles with Polish number plates. While the two food trucks in Vienna will soon be able to serve delicacies again, the couple will not go to jail (for now). There is still no trace of either of them.

Source: Krone


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