28-year-old dies – Motorcyclist thrown under truck in fatal accident


Accident drama in Grieskirchen: A 28-year-old lost control of his motorcycle, skidded into oncoming traffic and collided with a truck. Unfortunately, all help came too late for the young motorcyclist – he did not have a valid driver’s license – Wednesday.

It must have been terrible images: On Wednesday, a 28-year-old from Stadl-Paura leaned too far on his motorcycle in a right-hand bend and slid to the other side of the road, where he collided with an oncoming truck on Parzer Landesstraße in Grieskirchen.

The young motorcyclist was thrown under the truck – driven by a 60-year-old – and then came to rest on the side behind it. His motorcycle, a Kymco, was catapulted to the side. Unfortunately, all help that afternoon came too late for the driver – he did not have a motorcycle license. He died at the scene of the accident.

Motorcycle season claims fatalities
This summer, several two-wheelers have had accidents on the roads of Upper Austria. Last Friday, a man from Altmünster (35) rode straight to his death in a left bend in St. Lorenz am Mondsee. And two weeks ago, a Vespa driver (52) from Eferding was killed in a collision with a traffic sign in Waizenkirchen.

Source: Krone


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