An eaves collapse in the city center of Graz: passerby in shock


A men’s walk in Graz ended with a real shock on Wednesday evening: in the Albrechtgasse, an eaves collapsed to the ground in his immediate vicinity. The pedestrian panicked and injured himself while trying to escape.

According to police spokesman Fritz Grundnig, the incident took place at 9:51 p.m. There are no other witnesses; the hiker was alone in the field at the time. No one was directly injured in the Sims crash, except the man who “heard a rumble, panicked and injured himself while trying to escape.”

Pedestrian area is closed at night
The fire brigade cordoned off the affected area overnight – the pedestrian area between Andreas-Hofer-Platz and the casino – and started cleaning up on Thursday morning. Research into the affected building must now reveal whether there is a further risk of falling.

Source: Krone


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