Can you work with absolute permanent disability?


Depending on the species Permanent disability That you have, may or may not be compatible with the performance of a particular professional activity. The lowest degree of disability, such as a Partial disability Or one Complete disability, It is allowed openly, but the same does not happen in the case of other permanent disabilities. It will not always be possible to reconcile the collection Permanent disability allowance Remuneration for labor activities.

If a Severe disabilityFor example, you will not be able to get a regular paid job if you do not want to lose your pension Absolute permanent disability. But, when can I work out and receive a permanent disability allowance?

Partial permanent disability, will you allow me to work?

Recognition of partial disability does not terminate the employment contract. This means that even if you are recognized as having a partial disability, it does not mean that you have to quit your job. You will be able to get compensation commensurate with this degree of disability and continue to do the same work.

This disability will always be compatible with the development of any work activity that takes place, be it self-employed or employed by others.

Jobs that are compatible with complete permanent disability

If quality Complete permanent disabilityYes, other work activities can be done without any problems. Of course, the activities carried out in this case may not belong to the same category or professional group that was engaged before receiving this type of benefit.

If the same category of work activity is carried out, Permanent disability pension Total can be stopped.

What happens in case of absolute permanent disability or severe disability?

they Degree of disability They are approved when a person can no longer pursue any kind of profession with minimal quality, performance and efficiency. In case of severe disability, it will also be approved when the victim needs the help of a third party to cover basic needs.

However, although these two degrees of disability are related to job incompatibility, there is opportunity for professional development.

In many cases, regardless of the degree of disability, a person may have residual labor capacity, albeit very limited. In these cases, Absolute permanent disability pension Will be compatible with activities compatible with the victim’s condition.

Of course, in this case you should not present a change in the ability to work of a person with a disability, because, if so, it could lead to a revision of the degree of disability and, consequently, the pension received.

Source: El Diario


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