Reasons why you can stop collecting unemployment according to SEPE


Being in a situation Unemployment This is not a tasty dish for anyone. That is why in these cases the State Employment Service (SEPE) Offers a little relief for those who are unemployed and inside Active job search. Talk about it Unemployment benefit Allowing you to earn a minimum income by re-entering the labor market.

That yes SEPE Unemployment Subsidy It is not indefinite, it has certain limitations and there will come a time when it will be completely exhausted. But not only can it be exhausted, but it can be canceled indefinitely or forever. The Benefits SEPE, like other pensions and subsidies, requires very clear terms. If they are not fulfilled, the pension can be canceled.

Why can SEPE cancel my unemployment benefit?

There are several situations when SEPE can resolve Completion of unemployment benefits. As they explained in the e-headquarters, these are the reasons for stopping receiving this amount, which is a relief for many families who are still actively looking for employment:

  • The benefit has expired at the end of its term, ie you have legally terminated the accumulated unemployment.
  • For compensation for improper collection, i.e. if there is a debt to the State Employment Service (SEPE).
  • By initiating a sanction procedure. The proposed sanction implies the suspension of benefits. This situation will always be communicated by certified mail.
  • Because of incompatibility, that is, because you are already receiving another pension from Social Security or because you are employed, self-employed or employed.
  • For the existence of a non-payment code in the previous month’s inadmissibility provision. In this case, you should go to the SEPE offices to be able to fix it as quickly as possible.

If this is your case and you think the reason for the cancellation of the subsidy is not right or wrong, you can request an appointment at SEPE online or by phone to justify your situation and be able to proceed. Admission SEPE Unemployment Allowance.

To reverse the situation you will need to substantiate the situation in which you find yourself. To do this, you will need to submit all the necessary documentation to the offices of the State Employment Service.

Source: El Diario


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