Work is in progress – hundreds of households in Vienna-Donaustadt without electricity


Nearly 2,000 households in Vienna-Donaustadt in the Hirschstetten region were without power early Monday morning. The cause of the power outage is not yet known. Innsbruck was also hit by a large-scale power outage on Monday, but the consequences were much greater: about 140,000 households were temporarily without power.

According to experience, Manuela Gutenbrunner, spokeswoman for Wiener Netze, says that 70 percent of damage is caused by someone else’s fault, such as lightning or a careless digger. The affected areas were Quadenstraße, Am Heidjöchl, Portheimgasse, Hasibederstraße, Bahnfeldweg, Hausfeldstraße, Pfalzgasse, Benndorfgasse, Mayredergasse and Contiweg. The outage occurred around 2 p.m.

According to Gutenbrunner, employees are currently investigating the cause of the outage so that electricity can be diverted accordingly and the affected area repaired. Most affected households were back online by 4 p.m.

Source: Krone


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