Approved the last general budgets of the legislature by a large majority, 188 votes in favour


The budget project for 2023 has been approved thanks to the support of PSOE, Unidas Podemos, PNV, EH Bildu, ERC, PDeCAT, Coalition Canaria, Más País, Compromís and PRC.

Euskaraz irakurri: Legealdiko azken aurrekontu orokorrak onartu ditu gehiengo zabal batek aldeko 187 botorekin

The state general budgets (PGE) for 2023 pass with 187 favorable votes in the plenary session of Congress.

The budget project has been approved thanks to the support of PSOE (120), United We Can (33), PNV (6), EH Bildu (5), ERC (13), PDeCAT (4), Canary Islands Coalition (2), Más País (2), Compromís (1) and PRC (1).

PP, Citizens, Vox, Junts, the CUP, Foro Asturiasthe two deputies Navarre Som who were banned from UPN, and those from teruel exists (156) voted against and abstained BNG.

If approved in the Senate, these would be the third successive budgets the government has implemented and are expected to be the last, as the calendar would allow the processing of the 2024 bills to coincide with the dissolution of the Cortes and the election campaign.

Vote result. Image: Congress of Deputies

The President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchezexpressed his satisfaction as he left the room, while the Minister of Finance, Mary Jesus Monteroalready celebrated shortly before the vote that “this is the third consecutive budget, something that has not happened in 10 years, and this means that this executive has achieved a stability that many previous governments, with larger majorities, have not achieved”.

The ERC delegate Gabriel Ruffian He has taken advantage of his last turn to speak on stage to announce his support for the bills, while acknowledging his commitment to “serving the military” to reach an agreement.

The spokesman for EH Bildu, Mertxe Aizpurua, has indicated that its formation has succeeded in limiting rents and increasing non-contributory pensions, in order to “benefit the people”; at the same time he has defended that the criticized transfer of traffic powers to Navarre should be included in the Constitution.

On the other hand, the deputy of the PP elvira rodriguez He has criticized that “they will be a mortgage for the Spaniards” and regrets that they will not collect the revenue from the temporary taxes that will also be approved on Thursday, nor the expenditure of the future decree to deal with the consequences of the war in Ukraine .

The 2023 PGE surpassed second votes in Congressional plenary on Wednesday, incorporating a total of 30 new amendments agreed with the executive branch’s parliamentary allies in the coalition government’s project.

Added to last Tuesday’s 38, the approved transaction changes make a total of 68 between the first two plenary days of the public accounts project.

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Source: EITB


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