Now it’s your turn! In the format “Vizekanzlerstunden” on Werner Kogler answers the questions of readers and viewers of “Krone”. Ask your question to the Vice-Chancellor!
In the new TV format, the Vice Chancellor comments on all issues related to climate protection and the energy transition. As party leader of the Greens, this is also his personal favorite subject. How can less CO₂ be consumed? Are the climate goals still achievable? And: How do I get my solar system grant? Of course he also answers your questions about inflation…
Chancellor answers questions from “Krone” readers!
Now it’s up to you as a “Krone” reader! Ask Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler your questions about everything related to climate protection! He will answer what you want to know in the one-hour program “Vizekanzlerhour”, moderated by Katia Wagner, on Wednesday, May 17, 2023. Write your question in the box above and tune in next Wednesday at 9:25 PM on !
You can see “Vizekanzlerhour” with Katia Wagner on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 9:25 PM on!
Source: Krone

I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.