Top Green Party candidate Lena Schilling, who has gotten into trouble due to violent accusations from her private environment, is receiving support from her political competitors. After the 23-year-old was described last week by FPÖ top candidate Harald Vilimsky as a victim of a ‘political witch kitchen’ and he suspected that the SPÖ was behind it, ÖVP Youth State Secretary Claudia Plakolm has now also defended Schilling – at least indirectly.
“The most important thing in politics is that you can discuss substantive issues objectively. “I expect that too,” Plakolm replied in Brussels on Monday when asked whether she saw “characteristics of a certain hostility towards youth” in the case. But she did not mention Schilling by name.
“Keep fighting for what you want to implement”
“What, in my opinion, has not been lost are personal backgrounds, which in reality are only limited to one gender or one age,” the ÖVP politician made clear. When asked for advice for Schilling, the State Secretary for Youth said that it is difficult when you are personally attacked in such times.
“The most important thing is that you always focus on the content and keep fighting for what you want to implement.”
Whether Schilling is still credible is up to her supporters to decide, says Plakolm. Recently, however, voices have even become louder within the FPÖ in solidarity with the younger Greens.
New accusations
23-year-old Lena Schilling has been under constant fire for days because, at least according to ‘Standard’ research, she spreads untruths and is therefore not eligible for a top EU candidate. Recently, new accusations have been published and all kinds of private feuds have been made public – for example, she allegedly testified to domestic violence against a top politician (a competitor).
A complaint has now also been filed with the Public Prosecution Service – filed by a law student from Graz…
“Organized campaign”
As is known, a small “Schilling Special Committee” was established in the “Standard” to create their “psychogram” with 50 people from Schilling’s environment. One can only speculate about the background. In any case, the Greens see this as an ‘organized campaign’. According to club boss Sigrid Maurer (reportedly disparaged by Schilling himself), this was aimed directly at young women.
Source: Krone
I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.