This law already has the necessary votes to pass with a simple majority, as other parliamentary partners of the government of Spain such as PNV, Más País or Compromís are also ahead.
The Democratic Remembrance Act will continue with the support of EH Bildu after agreeing several amendments with the PSOE government and United We Can, such as extending the 1978 to 1983 deadline to allow more cases to be reviewed, and despite the fact that that an agreement has still not been concluded with ERC.
EH Bildu’s spokeswoman in the Congress of Deputies, Mertxe Aizpurua, announced at a press conference that they have reached an agreement with the government of Spain to extend the law of democratic memory and, among other things, extend the temporary limit of 1978 increase to 1983, as, as he noted, “the effects of Franco’s regime were maintained over time” and “should have been reflected”.
With the explicit support of EH Bildu, the Democratic Remembrance Act has the necessary votes to proceed with a simple majority, as other parliamentary partners such as PNV, Más País or Compromís are also in favour, while the ERC has not yet reached an agreement , but your position will not change the result.
Thus, the norm continues its way in Congress, where it continues to stir the rejection of PP, Vox and Ciudadanos. Next Monday, July 4, it will be discussed in the Constitutional Commission with a view to being approved by the Congress plenary for submission to the Senate in the second week of July.
Although the ERC and Junts, which oppose the text, abstained from voting on the compromise amendments on Tuesday, as both forces informed Europa Press that nothing will stop them from voting against the text when it reaches the constitutional committee.
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Source: EITB

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.