The residents of the district of Sant Marti of Barcelona They got a nice surprise this Sunday morning with the appearance of thousands of runners dressed up Dads, moms Christmas and elves. They all came from different points until they gathered at the end of Diagonal Avenue, at Forum Parkalong the coast of Barcelona. A shocking image attracted hundreds of curious people to witness live a party held for the first time in Barcelona.
The first edition of Santa’s course gathered 3,000 runners to tackle a 4.8 kilometer route by the sea and with a morning temperature of only 7ºC. The winner of the men’s category, Stanislav Popovstopped the clock in a good 14’39 minutes and wore, as mandated, a bright red suit and a bright white beard. Behind them, Andrejus Dolgovas completed the podium with 14’47 and Mykhaylo Kordyukov with 15’26. In the women’s category, the winner was Laura Lopez with a time of 18’11, followed by Mamen Del Castillo with 18’47 and Marina García with 19’07.
For small, the category of ‘Elves and Elves’ with victory in the men’s event for Gael Blancaco with 19’37, followed by Roc Carbonell with 20’29 and Jan Bohmcker with 20’32. In the test ‘Elfas’ went to victory Alma Hernandez with 20’38, ahead of Bianca Villar with 25’34 and Diana Vázquez with 26’02. It should be noted that female participation dominated this first edition, beating the male competition with 1,314 ‘Mothers Christmas’ to 865 ‘Fathers Christmas’ participants. A day of festivities that was a complete success and has come to Barcelona to stay and develop its own tradition just a week before the successful Cursa dels Nassos.
Source: La Verdad

I’m Jason Root, a professional writer working with Today Times Live, the premier news website. I specialize in sports writing, covering the biggest stories in the world of athletics. With an eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I provide engaging and informative articles that capture the key elements of any event or issue. My work has been featured on numerous respected websites and publications around the world.