German (38) died – 90-minute battle for life of ice climber


More details about the deadly alpine drama in the rear Pitztal: Despite the most intensive resuscitation attempts, help unfortunately came too late for a fallen German ice climber (38). Acute avalanche danger made rescue more difficult.

At 4:40 p.m. on Sunday, the Innerpitztal mountain rescue team received a report about two ice climbers who had fallen on the “Schusslersprung icefall”. Location of the accident: about 500 meters below the Braunschweiger Hütte in the valley south of Mittelberg.

High avalanche danger
“Due to the bad weather, a helicopter mission was not possible,” says Christian Rimml, head of the Innerpitztal mountain rescue service. “So a three-man raid team of ours went out with the Skidoo via the glacier emergency route to the victims.” The mountain rescuers planned to ski down a steep 40-degree gully to reach the victims. “That was a difficult undertaking because of the prevailing avalanche situation,” says Rimml.

The emergency services eventually found a dramatic situation at the base of the wall, where the two ice climbers had fallen while abseiling. “We tried for 90 minutes to resuscitate the 38-year-old German, but it was not possible,” says Rimml. At the same time, the mountain rescuers took care of the second, seriously injured alpinist, a 34-year-old German.

Transport through a steep gully
“We managed to get the seriously injured man through the gully to the bottom of the valley,” Rimml is relieved. The emergency doctor took him by material cable car to the Braunschweiger Hütte and the German was taken to Zams Hospital. Twelve mountain rescuers from the Innerpitztal were involved in snowdrift operations and mountain rescuers from Jerzens were alerted.

Finally, Monday in daylight, the Dragonfly Tyrol has recovered the dead.

Source: Krone


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