Love, Sex & Co. – When the psychotherapist crosses boundaries


More and more Austrians are using psychotherapy. The reasons for this may be different, but all patients have one thing in common: they expect professional help regarding the therapy goal. But what if you encounter a therapist who behaves inappropriately?

A recently divorced AHS teacher from Vienna underwent psychotherapeutic treatment to slowly regain her trust in men after what she went through. She came across a therapist who would soon become the male “ideal figure” for her. But he abused the trust and invited his client to go on holiday with his fiancée. Sexual acts also took place there. The 32-year-old later testified in court that the therapist asked her for permission, but it was “as if she were being controlled remotely.”

It does indeed happen, albeit rarely, that therapists commit such serious violations of boundaries. Figures from Germany show that the chance of sexual abuse by a psychotherapist is less than one percent. However, several past exposed cases suggest that there are unreported cases.

Source: Krone


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