Escape from police – raced through Vienna: driver sentenced to two years in prison


In July, a Viennese man drove his friend’s car through Vienna completely recklessly and went on a wild chase with the police. There are now consequences: the man was sentenced to two years in prison by the Vienna Regional Criminal Court on Friday morning.

During his July ride, the Viennese endangered passers-by, some of whom had to jump aside, and raced at 170 km/h towards a police car. The verdict is already legally binding.

Multiple pedestrians in danger
The 23-year-old, who has not had a driver’s license for some time, was behind the wheel of his friend’s car. When the two were stopped by police officers, the man panicked and accelerated. He drove through red lights several times and pedestrians on zebra crossings had to jump aside to avoid being run over. In some cases, the driver also drove the vehicle into oncoming traffic.

Crash involving radio car narrowly avoided
The car owner, who was on board as a passenger, asked him to finally end the crazy journey out of fear for his life. However, the 23-year-old did not think about it and drove on. Without braking and without taking evasive action, he shot towards the radio car at a speed of 170 km/h. The fact that the fatal accident did not occur is solely due to the fact that the driver of the police car turned the steering wheel to avoid a collision.

Construction workers fled behind a crane
Things got dramatic when the car with the 23-year-old behind the wheel drove towards a fully occupied construction site at Matzleinsdorfer Platz. The construction workers fled behind a crane at the last moment. As a result of the crash on the construction site, the high-speed car ride was stopped and the man was arrested.

The 23-year-old, who has been in custody since then, made a “full confession” but would not give any further information. The man, who was not in court for the first time, apologized “to everyone I hurt or could have hurt.” He was in a panic – “I didn’t know.”

If the police had carried out the check, there would probably only have been a fine for driving without a license. The 23-year-old now had to answer for resisting state power by means of serious coercion, attempted serious bodily harm and endangering physical safety.

Source: Krone


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