Averted attack – innkeeper cheated on boys: “I’ll give you nothing!”


A masked man wanted to attack restaurateur Markus Hafner in his restaurant in Thannhausen, in eastern Styria. He simply locked him out. The innkeeper tells the “Krone” about the dramatic moments.

It was broad daylight on Saturday around 4 p.m. when a young man entered the bar of the popular Hafner inn in Thannhausen, eastern Styria – with a red T-shirt tied around his face and a hammer in his hand.

“‘Open the cash register, then I’m gone!’ he said to me and wanted to go to the cash register,” innkeeper Markus Hafner reports to the “Krone”. The shock of the incident has now been processed, but the restaurant owner will not soon forget the dramatic scenes. “‘I’m not giving you anything, go away!’ I answered and thought to myself: what am I going to do now? I can only run out quickly,” says Hafner. There were a few guests in front of the restaurant.

“I didn’t know what he was doing”
An attack on the still unknown perpetrator would have been too dangerous: “I didn’t know what he was doing.”

Prevent the robber from going missing
The 49-year-old then fled outside, followed by the masked man in a gray T-shirt and a shoulder bag over his shoulders. He again demanded money. When Hafner had the presence of mind to rush back into the restaurant and lock the front door, the 16- to 17-year-old robber, described as 16 to 17 years old, fled: He got on his moped and sped off. towards Nöstl.

Source: Krone


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