The Salzburg Public Prosecutor’s Office is now responding in a statement to the alleged terrorist attack by 18-year-old Emrah I., who was shot by police in Munich on Thursday. The Flachgauer already made relevant videos when he was 14. But the accusations against the suspect were ‘unprovable’ for the prosecutor, it is said.
When he attacked and dangerously threatened a classmate, a complaint was filed against Emrah I. in the spring of 2023, whereupon the Salzburg Public Prosecutor’s Office opened the investigation. At that time, the suspect was not only accused of bodily harm, but was also said to have been interested in instructions on bomb making and to have been involved in a terrorist organization.
Three videos discovered on the PC in the children’s room
The prosecutor then initiated a court-authorized search of Neumarkter’s children’s room. At that time, his mobile phone and a stand-alone PC were seized and evaluated. Although no relevant data was found on his mobile phone, the investigators discovered three videos on the PC that the suspect had recorded himself as a 14-year-old. They showed scenes from a computer game with Islamist content. “Only one of these videos showed symbols of the terrorist organization AL-NUSRAH FRONT FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE LEVANT,” the public prosecutor’s office explained in its statement.
Videos were not redistributed
It further states: “The fact that the suspect passed on the videos he made to other people or otherwise used them for propaganda purposes could not be established during the investigation by simply playing this computer game or reenacting scenes of Islamist violence.” no intention to commit a crime could be proven. The crime of participation in a terrorist organization has therefore not been met.
The procedure was discontinued in April 2023
Classmates were also questioned by the Public Prosecution Service at the time, but gave no further information. There were also no plans or instructions for building bombs, which is why the case of the Public Prosecution Service in Salzburg was eventually dropped in April 2023.
Source: Krone
I am Wallace Jones, an experienced journalist. I specialize in writing for the world section of Today Times Live. With over a decade of experience, I have developed an eye for detail when it comes to reporting on local and global stories. My passion lies in uncovering the truth through my investigative skills and creating thought-provoking content that resonates with readers worldwide.