Traindrama in Stuttgart – Bub’s Fatale Push did not intend


According to the current findings of the researchers, there is no intention behind the death of a twelve -year -old boy at a Stuttgart Light Spoorstop in Germany. It is said that unfortunate circumstances have led to the drama.

Until now, the investigation had not indicated that the 13-year-old “the twelve-year-old boy apologized with the intention of being understood by the Stadtbahn,” said the public prosecutor and the police on Tuesday.

Irrelevant disputes such as trigger
The twelve-year-old was in the immediate vicinity of the track with the 13-year-old boy who knows him in “rather irrelevant and not serious disputes,” the researchers said. In the course of the conflict, the older person “pushed” the young person. “Unfortunately, the twelve -year -old then hit the side against the incoming train and she suffered fatal injuries.”

The police appealed in the context that parents and legal guardians have to talk to their children about the dangers of platforms and lead them to safe behavior.

Source: Krone


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