The Senate today approves the reform of the crime of embezzlement and the repeal of sedition


However, it will do so without the provisions that the Constitutional Court has paralyzed regarding its own renewal. And it is that, the Constitutional returned last night to reject the calls of the PSOE and Podemos.

Euskaraz irakurri: Senatuak gaur onartuko ditu sedizioa indargabetzea eta dirua bidegabe erabiltzeko zigorrak murriztea

The Senate plenary will debate and vote on Thursday withdrawal of sedition and the reduced penalties for embezzlementa controversial reform that is expected to receive final approval as the parliamentary majority has no intention of accepting amendments.

However, it will do so without the provisions that the Constitutional Court has paralyzed regarding its own renewal. And it is that the Constitutional last night again, again by 6 votes to 5, rejected the appeals filed against its decision to paralyze the legislative process, derived from the regulations by which the PSOE and Podemos make the judiciary and the court itself of warranties.

The Senate has therefore given the green light to the reduction proposal. The governing coalition groups and their allies have already expressed their intention to reclaim this reform in another bill to replace the four constitutional magistrates whose mandates have expired and who continue to hold their posts for the blockade in the General Council for the Judiciaryresponsible for naming two of them.

Despite this, the government and its partners are already working on mechanisms to try to pass as soon as possible the provisions that have been contested and paralyzed for formal reasons.

The reform arriving next Thursday will make the crime of sedition disappear, to become an aggravated crime of public disorder, and the maximum sentence of 15 years will become 5 years.

Meanwhile, the maximum sentence for non-profit embezzlement is reduced to 4 years, when up to 8 years can now be imposed and to 12 years if the amount embezzled exceeds 250,000 euros.

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Source: EITB


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