Julian Hessenthaler, known as the ‘Ibiza detective’, has written a book in which he reveals biographical information and reports on the preparations for the Ibiza video that brought down the turquoise-blue coalition in 2019.
First of all, it is about the sometimes difficult relationship with his father and mother, who worked as teachers for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in different countries. That is why Hessenthaler himself had to change schools repeatedly.
Much space in “To Ibiza – The Long Shadow of a Scandal Video” is taken up by the history of the initiation via ex-FPÖ club chairman Johann Gudenus. Also described are the creation of the video, the evening on Ibiza itself and the subsequent investigations against him, which ultimately resulted in his arrest in Berlin.
Prison stay and trial
Further content includes Hessenthaler’s prison stays in Berlin, Vienna and St. Pölten. He does not shy away from criticizing the trial against him for cocaine trafficking or the length of his pre-trial detention. “What if I had not set up Ibiza as a lone fighter with a manageable budget, but a highly professional foreign secret service?”
For example, ‘economic syndicates’ or the Russian secret service repeatedly try to influence politicians. For him, there is a “national security risk” related to the “historical relationship with Russia”.
Whistleblowers Association Established
Based on his experiences, Hessenthaler is now campaigning for a central point of contact for whistleblowers. In the meantime, together with the Ibiza lawyer, he has founded the association “Ans Licht!”, which is intended to provide legal assistance, research and media contacts for whistleblowers. “Nobody should have to wander around like I did then.”
The book “To Ibiza – The Long Shadow of a Scandal Video” is published by Goldegg Verlag and is 218 pages long.
Source: Krone
I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.