Autopsy result – dead diver in the Attersee had a heart problem


It was not a diving error, but a cardiological problem that killed a 54-year-old diver from Bavaria in Lake Attersee on Sunday.

Diving experts were also amazed at what had happened. A German diving instructor and two students entered the lake at Unterach, at the Kohlbauernaufsatz dive site. They had deflated their vests to descend. But already after a minute and a half, just 15 meters below the surface of the water, there were complications.

“I can’t breathe”
The 54-year-old German, who had already made about 15 dives, ran into problems and resurfaced. The diving instructor followed her and was still able to address her: “I can’t breathe,” said the diving student. The teacher and the second pupil quickly brought the Bavarian from near Simbach am Inn to the coast, an emergency call was made, but the woman could not be helped.

cadiological cause
On Tuesday, the public prosecutor in Wels announced on a “Krone” request that the diver had a cardiological problem according to the preliminary autopsy results.

Source: Krone


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