After the attack, the Tewhid Mosque in Vienna was closed down as a place of worship


The controversial Tewhid Mosque in Vienna-Meidling is no longer part of the Islamic Religious Community (IGGÖ). The mosque was closed after the terrorist attack in Vienna in 2020 because the attacker was said to have radicalized there. The reason is, among other things, that the controversial ex-imam remained active there.

The decision of December 2023 will not close the mosque; this should be decided by the association authorities. However, the facility is no longer operated under the umbrella of the IGGÖ and can therefore no longer call itself a mosque.

Ex-imam still active
The Tewhid Mosque was noticed not only in connection with the Viennese attacker. The 17-year-old who planned a terrorist attack on Vienna’s main station in September and backed out at the last minute also traveled there weekly. It was initially closed after the terrorist attack in Vienna.

However, the association authorities reversed the closure after no violation of the law could be proven. Following a decision by the IGGÖ’s internal arbitration court, it regained its legal personality. According to the IGGÖ’s reasoning at the time, the authorities could not provide any evidence for their allegations against the mosque.

Required measures not carried out
However, a new imam was appointed for the mosque and the IGGÖ also demanded further measures to ensure “a transparent organization of community work and the tackling of extremist trends within the community”.

However, the IGGÖ has now explained its latest decision as a “satisfactory implementation” of the agreement. For example, the controversial preacher, whose name also appears again in the current terror investigation files surrounding the 17-year-old, would not have been away from the mosque or only for a short time, according to the reports. citing security circles and people from the mosque’s Salafist scene. According to IGGÖ, he was most recently active as an Arabic teacher at the mosque.

Source: Krone


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