De Lehendakari explained that the new memorandum between the Basque government, the Provincial Council of Álava and the multinational will make various public resources available to the multinational in exchange for commitments in “technological-digital and energy-climatic” matters.
Euskaraz irakurri: Erakundeek eta Mercedesek iblgailu elektrikoa eta digitalizazioa lehenesteko protokoloa sinatu dute
The Basque government, the provincial council of Álava and Mercedes-Benz have a new cooperation protocolthrough which the institutions will make various public resources available to the multinational in exchange for commitments and investments from the company.
The memorandum is signed by Álava’s deputy general, Ramiro Gonzalezthe CEO of Mercedes-Benz Vitoria, Emilio Titosand the advisor Arantxa Tapia
the lehendakari Inigo Urkullu stated at a ceremony at the Miñano Technology Park, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, that the Memorandum will prioritize the development of R&D&I for the vehicle electrificationthe digitization of production processes and durability environment. “Technological-digital and energy-climate progress is the horizon of commitment,” he assured.
Through this “unsurpassed example of public-private partnership”, the Basque government will make the centers of the Basque Research Technology Alliance and the 4GUNE Cluster of University Training in Engineering, Science and Technology available to the company of German origin; the TEKNIKA Center for Research on Applied Vocational Training and HETEL, the Association of Vocational Training Centers in the Basque Country.
As announced by Urkullu, the Vitoria-Gasteiz plant commits to training its entire workforce in “improving the skills of the professional profiles required for digital and sustainable production processes in electric vehicles”.
De Lehendakari explained that previous memoranda between institutions and Mercedes-Benz have produced “good results” such as a 95% placement rate among students trained in partnership with the company.
“The investments that Mercedes-Benz has planned for Vitoria-Gasteiz would big step for the transformation of the whole automotive industry and the consolidation of the factory as one of the most competitive in the business,” defended de Lehendakari.
Urkullu has also underlined the weight of the automotive sector in the CAV’s economy, due to its relationship with other industrial sectors and advanced services and due to its “intense international activity”.
The Lehendakari will also meet with the CEO of Mercedes Benz Vans on July 6 in Stuttgart, Germany.
For his part, the general manager of Mercedes-Benz Vitoria, Emilio Titos, has assured that the company will not stop investing in the factory, but has added that they need “certainties” for this.
Titos has referred to questions from journalists about the negotiations on the agreement. The director of the Alava factory has emphasized that it is the management’s will to reach an agreement, but has not given details of the negotiations and has limited himself to saying that “they are cooking it”.
Labor dispute at the Gasteiz . factory
The signing of the memorandum will take place on the same day that the trade unions ELA, LAB and ESK have summoned staff to a meeting to open a debate on the steps to be taken in the negotiations, given the “great relevance” of the decision. about management’s claim to match multimillion-dollar plant investment with increased labor flexibility.
They have also criticized the fact that “the political class is publicly positioning itself in favor of the company, from minute one an absolute lack of respect for the working class and the citizens of Vitoria-Gasteiz”.
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Source: EITB

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.