New message – 20-year-old Carinthian died after corona booster


On November 17, 2021, a 20-year-old man from Carinthia received his third corona vaccination. He had passed away on November 18. The Klagenfurt prosecutor’s office has since investigated the tragic case – and has now ordered a new report.

Just hours after the Biontech vaccine booster, the 20-year-old collapsed with a heart condition and was beyond saving. Due to the circumstances, an autopsy was ordered. The long-awaited results from the Graz Forensic Medicine Department are only available for a few days. It is said that the vaccination most likely caused an excessive immune response and disruption of the already diseased heart muscle.

However, it is possible that the vaccinator was unaware of the young man’s serious illness. He did not provide any history in the questionnaire.

cardiologist wanted
“The report does not definitively clarify whether the third vaccination was lege artis,” sums up Markus Kitz, spokesman for the Klagenfurt prosecutor’s office, when asked by “Krone”. That is why a cardiologist is consulted.

Regardless of the criminal outcome, the procedure is explosive for the pharmaceutical industry and vaccination strategy, as it is important to provide the best possible care for at-risk patients who are willing to be vaccinated and to monitor them closely after an injection rather than sending them to to send home immediately.

Source: Krone


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