Very Dangerous Weapon – Does Moscow Use Butterfly Mines at the Front?


According to British intelligence, Russia is most likely using very dangerous anti-personnel mines in Ukraine. Moscow likely wants to defend its front lines in Ukraine’s Donbass region, it said Monday. The mines are extremely dangerous for both troops and local civilians.

The PFM-1 mines — also known as butterfly mines — are “deeply controversial,” the report said. They would have had terrible consequences in the Afghan war, children would have mistaken them for toys. It’s also likely that Russia is using its Soviet-era inventory, which has become ill over the years and is now even more unpredictable, the British statement said. This poses a significant risk to special forces demining the areas.

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in late February, the British government has regularly published intelligence on its progress. Moscow accuses London of a targeted disinformation campaign.

Source: Krone


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