Lehendakari Urkullu advocates being “very responsible” and measuring “very good” tax decisions


Josu Erkoreka, for his part, underlined in an interview on ETB1 that the Basque Autonomous Community will not participate in the tax race.

Euskaraz irakurri: Lehendakariak fiskalitatean “arduratsuak bear” izatearen alde egin du

Amid a tax race between autonomy, Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu advocates being “very responsible” and measuring the consequences of tax decisions “very well”. Firstly, he believes that the results of a reform adopted four years ago should be thoroughly evaluated and that in his view “it is working correctly”.

On the other hand, he emphasized: “the value of stability, consensus, certainty and progressiveness” in the Basque Autonomous Community.

Urkullu opened the “Forbes Summit Reinventing Euskadi Basque Country” meeting on Wednesday in Bilbao’s Azkuna Zentroa, where he emphasized that the new economic scenario confirms the “resilience” of the Basque Country in 2022 and anticipates the “turbulence” it will face in 2023 .

The Lehendakari has confirmed that public governance is defined by “the perverse effects of inflation”, which means “increased spending” in addition to the effects of the pandemic. As for income, he warned that the public sector “cannot expect the expected growth either, as inflation undermines the income of socio-economic actors.”

Urkullu explained that the public sector also has less revenue to cover the growing costs. For this reason, “taxation, a policy for the distribution of wealth, must, according to our reality and in its temporal context, continue to serve the two objectives we pursue: to ensure the sustainability of essential public services for citizens; and to enhance economic activity and job creation,” he insisted.

The Lehendakari Believes The Inflation Response “Continues” concerted actions by the EU and its institutionsalthough Euskadi has “its own responsibility and responsiveness”. It has defended that “inflation is a global phenomenon”, but Euskadi has tools to mitigate its effects, including self-government.

The First Deputy Lehendakari and Security Adviser, Joshua Erkoreka, has emphasized in the ETB1 program “Egun on Euskadi” that the Basque Autonomous Community (CAV) does not participate in the tax race. He added that in the event that the Spanish government decides to unify the taxes among the Autonomous Communities, the Basque Government will request that the powers of the Basque Autonomous Community are not violated.

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Source: EITB


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